HOW WE FIRST MET: The Stories!
HOW WE FIRST MET is an improv theater show where a couple from the audience is interviewed, live on stage, and their story is improvised right on the spot. This blog is an archive of our 2006 shows.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Survey Results: Attraction is (fill-in the blank)
On April 20, 2006 we did an email survey of our audience on their beliefs about Attraction.
Here's what the poll revealed:
When it comes to attraction...
A. Opposites attract. 31%
B. Like attracts like. 11%
C. It's a complete mystery to me! 8%
D. _____ (Fill-in the blank) 50%
"Attraction is the closest thing to real magic that I've ever seen." - JC
"It's a total crap shoot." - ET
"I'm counting on the idea that opposites attract, or else I'm in trouble." -TC
"Personality makes all the difference in finding your mate." - WC
"Fundamental likes and quirky opposites attract and keep the relationship going." - NS
"I think you have to have some things in common but you have to be different enough to challenge each and bring out the best in one another." - KC
"Chemistry." - JD
"Really good manners, it sounds stupid and weird, but when a man says "bless you" when I sneeze, it's really sexy to me because it's so rare." - JS
"I think it is all about boddy language such as a smile, twinkle in the eye, a soft touch on the shoulder, tone of voice, etc. That is what attracted me to my wife." - CR
"Both parties have a specific need met by the other. For instance, a maternal type would be attracted to someone who wants to be taken care of. It's also on a subconscious biological level. By scent, the female identifies a mate show genes are compatible with hers." - TB
"Opposites attract like a magnet 'til they repel to a certain extent and then settle." - AD
"It's all in the eyes." - EM
"It's magnetic." -BS
"People who look like opposites on the surface are really the same inside."-EE
"Opposites do attract, and that's why love is so f*&%$#@% frustrating." - FR
"It's either there or it's not. Whatever it is." - RL
"It's that sparkle in the eye that tells us." -EL
"When it comes to attraction you have to trust your instincts." - LP
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Chloe & James - Friday, April 7, 2006

Chloe and James met on the online personals at Chloe is a theater critic for the SF Weekly. She was in the show AND reviewed it at the same time!
Cast: Ken Robertson, Susie Sargent, Jill Bourque, Laura Derry, and Paul Erskine. Musician: Victor Spiegel.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Brian & Mel - Saturday, April 1, 2006

Our April Fool's show started off with a four-way race to find our couple. It was a close call, but the audience chose Brian and Mel, who met at a Halloween Party. At the show they were celebrating their 1st anniversary as a couple!
Cast: Scott Keck, Amber Price, Matt Kaye, Sarah Delaney, and Jill Bourque. Musician: Victor Spiegel.